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Writer's pictureEmily Cerbone

Change in life is inevitable

Change in life is inevitable - expected or unexpected, it is coming. God willing, every year we as we get older and hopefully wiser, we find gainful employment (prayerfully, it's something that we love to do), we retire, and then what? 

We are single, searching for a soulmate to share our lives with, whether we stay together or choose to part ways. Along the journey, children or younger individuals may enter our lives, and we have a role in shaping their thoughts and perspectives. We might even be fortunate enough to welcome grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As time goes on, our bodies change, often developing love handles, and, unfortunately, we may also face health challenges or illnesses.

The impact of ALS on our lives brings us together as writers and visitors to this blog. We are all too aware of the changes and challenges ALS presents—physically, emotionally, and financially—affecting our quality of life, intimacy, housing situations, and the dynamics of family and friendships. We navigate the support we receive from family and professional caregivers, the use of medical assistive devices, and the financial and emotional backing from others and organizations. How do we cope with these changes and challenges?

In some way, we have hope and faith to know that everything is going to be ok, that we will find peace amidst it all. Regardless of our physical differences, racial backgrounds, or spiritual beliefs or non-spiritual beliefs, I believe we all want peace in every aspect of our lives. Life inevitably brings trials and tribulations, but I pray that we all find peace in those circumstances!

Written by The Write Stuff Team Member Randy Gregory, Jr.

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