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Had I known

Four months ago. It seems like such a strange thing to imagine that 122 days ago my best friend took his last breath. Some days it still doesn’t feel real to me. My heart won’t allow me to believe it. Luckily, though, a conference brought some of my Houston tribe (former colleagues of Kurt's who became my family when I lived in Houston as his caregiver) to town and we got to spend some time together this week and with Kurt today. Kurt always talked about the “mood crack” that he would get when visitors came to see him. I now fully understand what he meant because every time I get to spend time with my Houston framily my heart is filled up.

Had I known…

Had I known that you were going to slip away, I would have never let go of your hand.

Had I known that one fall could change life forever, I would have never left your side.

Had I known that we would never get to chat again, I would have listened to you all night long.

Had I known that you were going…

I would have … 💔💔💔

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